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Buy Now, Pay Later

Help spread the cost of that unexpected repair bill, regular service, tyres and more, with Buy Now Pay Later at AutoBay, provided by Payment Assist.

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Buy Now Pay Later allows you to split your bill by up to 6 equal monthly payments. You'll pay the first installment on the day of your repair, and the remaining payments will be handled by Payment Assist. BNPL is a simple way to spread the cost of your motoring costs and is available to anyone over the age of 18 (subject to eligibility determined by Payment Assist)

How it works

Are there any fees?

All GymEtc members will be eligible for exclusive discounts on their repair bills, as well as special savings on our range of AutoBay Approved Used Cars. 

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Online Payment

Just ask our front of house team about your Buy Now Pay Later options when you come to pay, or select the BNPL option online when using our AutoBay Service Booking System.

How do I get BNPL?

Subject to terms & conditions. Please ensure you ask your service advisor about Buy Now Pay Later at the time of booking.
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